Melbourne, Florida, is ranked as the 25th best place to live in the United States, and it’s no wonder why. Its prime location on the Space Coast means residents and visitors can see spacecraft and satellites fly through the air upon launch. It also has a booming arts district and provides easy access to surfing, kayaking, and fishing.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the city’s beauty and excitement and forget that there is a more troubling side. Melbourne, FL, also has a serious addiction problem. Countless people abuse drugs and alcohol in this city, and for them, the beauty and excitement have long faded. Now, they are so burdened by their addiction that they think there isn’t any hope left.
If you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, there is hope. Our drug and alcohol treatment facility near Melbourne, FL, can give you the tools you need to live a life free of substances. Call Lakeview Health at 904.677.5010 to speak to an intake professional today.
Alcohol Abuse in Melbourne, FL
Twenty percent of adults in Brevard County admit to binge or heavy drinking. Binge drinking is defined as drinking to the point that the blood-alcohol concentration reaches at least 0.08 grams. Binge drinking for women usually consists of drinking four or more drinks in two hours. Men who binge drink typically consume five or more drinks in that same time.
Binge drinking can lead to a variety of problems, including impaired decision-making and intoxicated driving. People who binge drink are also more likely to become violent, end up with unintended pregnancies, and get STDs. In addition, binge drinking is a sign of alcoholism.
Binge drinking is just one of the many signs of alcoholism. Other signs include drinking alone, craving alcohol, feelings of guilt, and need to drink first thing in the morning. People experience symptoms differently. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you don’t need to wait until you hit rock bottom. Get help immediately so you can get your life back on track.
Drug Abuse in Melbourne, FL
Drug abuse continues to be a serious problem in Melbourne and the rest of Brevard County. The county ranks third in the state for drug overdoses. It also ranks third for opioid overdoses. Many people think that Brevard County’s opioid crisis came to an end when the government put tighter restrictions on prescribing opioids, but that is far from the case. In fact, it’s gotten worse due to the introduction of fentanyl. With a potency as much as 100 times that of morphine, this drug is even deadlier than prescription pain pills. Drug dealers often add fentanyl to heroin and other drugs to increase the potency. This saves dealers money, but it also costs countless lives. People do not realize they are taking drugs that are laced with fentanyl and often overdose after a single-use.
Drug and Alcohol Detox
You might be frightened about going through drug or alcohol detox. You have heard about painful symptoms that make it difficult to stop and the idea of fighting through intense cravings is too much to bear. The horror stories related to detox come from people who try to go through it alone. Detoxing alone is uncomfortable and can be dangerous. In some cases, it can even be fatal. Fortunately, there is a safe way to detox. Enter our medically assisted detox program at our facility near Melbourne, FL,to get the care you need as your body adjusts to living without substances.
When you enter our facility, you will go through the intake process. Our treatment team will determine if you are physically addicted to drugs or alcohol. If you are, you will be escorted to the detox center. It is located on our campus and staffed with doctors, nurses, and therapists to help you navigate the process.
Our medical professionals collaborate to address the physical and emotional symptoms of detox. This might include medications to reduce your symptoms, such as anxiety and agitation. You can also receivemedication to reduce your cravings.
At the same time, a therapist will work with you to help you navigate theemotions you feel during detox. You have likely buried your emotions with drugs and alcohol in the past, so dealing with them will be new to you. Yourtherapist will help you learn to address your emotionsas you prepare to enter treatment.
To learn more about our medically-supervised detox program call us at (866) 374-0561. All calls are kept confidential.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab
You likelythink you know what a rehab facility looks like. In your mind, it is cold and clinical, and there is nothing to do except attend therapy and hang out in your room. That might be the case with some facilities, but Lakeview Health is different. We do not believe that a cold and clinical setting is the right type of facility for treating addiction. Instead, we focus on comfort, community, and healing in our gorgeous facility.
When you enter our inpatient rehab program near Melbourne, FL, you will go through patient orientation. This occurs within 24 hours of admission and includes a tour of the facility. If you are male, you will tour The Star for Men. If you are female, you will tour The Rose for Women.
Both facilities are gorgeous and accommodating and have activities for you to enjoy. From rousing games of ping pong in the recreation room to laps in the pool, you will have ample opportunities to unwind and bond with others who are in treatment.
You will also tour our treatment rooms. These rooms were created with comfort and function in mind. The cozy spaces make it easier for patients to open up and explore the reasons behind their addictions.
During your tour, you will also talk about your treatment. You will learn more about what to expect during your stay at our rehab center, and you are free to ask questions. Your treatment team wants to provide you with the best experience, so feel free to ask as many questions as you wish.
Treatment for Co-occurring Conditions
Many of our patients suffer from mental health conditions, along with drug addiction or alcoholism. Countless people think they have to get their mental health condition under control before entering drug or alcohol rehab, but that is not the best course of treatment. Professionals agree that co-occurring conditions should be treated at the same time. The best outcomes occur when both the mental health condition and addiction are addressed at the same time.
Lakeview Health has psychiatric services available for patients. Our staff incorporates innovative therapeutic methods and treatments to help people with co-occurring conditions. This includes transcranial magnetic stimulation and other innovative therapies.
Help for Families
Watching a family member struggle with substance abuse is extremely difficult. You want to help your loved one, but at the same time, you don’t want to be an enabler. It’s a fine line to walk, and if you have crossed it, you are far from alone. Even if you manage to stay on the line, you likely suffer from anxiety, despair, and guilt. Addiction truly is a family disease, and you are a victim as well.
Our treatment facility near Melbourne, FL, offers a three-day workshop for families. This workshop will help you deal with your loved one’s addiction. You will get essential tools to help your family member and yourself.
Do you need something less intensive? We also offer phone therapy sessions between our patients and family members. These sessions are mediated by a licensed therapist and will help you work through issues with your loved one. These phone sessions can help you bridge the gap that was created by addiction.
Substance Abuse Helplines
Mental Health Helplines
Friend and Family Helplines
Get Help Today
Does it feel like addiction has taken away all your best qualities and turned you into someone else? You feel out of control and alone, and you know that if you don’t get help, you could lose everything, including your life.
You don’t have to fight addiction by yourself. Lakeview Health is just a phone call away. Our intake professionals will gather your information and then you get started with our treatment program.
Call us at 904.677.5010 to schedule your stay today.