Located in Jacksonville, Florida, Lakeview Health offers comprehensive, integrative, data-driven alcohol, opioid, and substance use disorder treatment services. Each therapy and experience is tailored offered a comprehensive approach to heal your mind, body, and spirit. Your total health and lifelong sobriety are our goal. Our multidisciplinary addiction treatment programs combine the highest quality physiological, psychological, emotional, and psychosocial care available for alcohol and drug addiction help. We utilize these programs alongside addiction therapy services in order to create a well-rounded residential addiction treatment program for our clients.
Our staff and medical professionals have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to helping people recover from substance use disorder. We believe rehabilitation is most effective when it takes place in an environment of health and healing. When you walk through our doors, you will notice that the environment at Lakeview Health is friendly and welcoming. With a low staff-to-patient ratio, we are able to focus on rebuilding relationships, working through cravings, conflict resolution, and stress management
Mindfullness and communication are an essential part of a rehab aftercare program. This program utilized our network of alumni and staff to provide support after treatment and prevent relapse. Identifying high-risk scenarios is key to continues sobriety. At Lakeview Health, we dig deeper than other Jacksonville drug treatment centers by raising awareness of triggers, helping clients monitor emotional responses, and situation-based sessions. In the event of a relapse, we use acceptance and awareness acquired through mindfulness training to help people recognize and minimize guilt, blame, and negative thinking that increase the risk of relapse.
Get the help you need
When you’re ready to begin your road to recovery, turn to our team for the help you need today. Our admissions team is ready to help you determine the type of care you need.
What insurances do you accept?
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness involves intentional, non-judgmental attention to events and feelings in the present moment. This may seem like a fairly simple concept, but mindfulness is a skill that sometimes takes years to develop. A mindful person is aware of–but never consumed by–the people and events around them. Mindfulness is especially relevant to us at Lakeview Recovery because it has been proven to help people avoid relapse. Taking a calm, mindful approach can also help people improve relationships with family and friends. Forming healthy connections with people often starts with having self-awareness and gratitude.
What is a partial hospitalization program?
The partial hospitalization program we offer at Lakeview Health relies on our rigorous, research-centered, functional approach to addiction treatment and recovery in Jacksonville, Florida. Clients in our partial hospitalization program are medically monitored while they attend treatment. When people are addicted to both stimulants and depressants, recovery can be even more challenging than it is for people with only one addiction. Patients in our partial hospitalization program attend workshops, therapy, and group sessions during the day. In the evenings, they can socialize, watch TV, or work out. A partial hospitalization program is ideal for people who need to be medically monitored.
Partial hospitalization programCan an intensive outpatient treatment program help me?
Our intensive outpatient program takes an employment-style approach to addiction treatment allows patients to return home to their families at the end of the day. We only recommend an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for people who have a supportive, sober home-life. This program can also be beneficial for someone who may have had addiction treatment in the past. Our committed, compassionate team members will provide residents with the tools and support they need in order to take back control of their lives. Attending treatment for addiction takes time, energy, and commitment, but the alternative can be catastrophic. Attempting to stop using heroin or other narcotics without assistance is a lonely and often short-lived approach to conquering addiction. When you are ready to start a treatment program that actually works, give us a call.
Intensive outpatient treatment program