Bipolar treatment center

Many individuals who struggle with addiction also bipolar disorder

Many individuals who struggle with addiction also have co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. These conditions can exacerbate substance use issues and can make recovery challenging. However, at Lakeview Health, we offer a bipolar disorder treatment program designed to help our patients manage mental health conditions, maintain sobriety, and become the healthiest versions of themselves.

Lakeview Health is one of the premier bipolar and addiction treatment centers in the nation. In our treatment center, you’ll find a supportive environment, evidence-based approaches to treatment, and a compassionate, caring team of professionals.

Learn more about our Florida dual diagnosis rehab center by reaching out to Lakeview Health at 904 677 5010 today. If you’re ready to find hope and healing from bipolar disorder and substance use issues, our team can help.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a clinical diagnosis describing the effects of a chemical imbalance within the brain that creates unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It is also often referred to as manic-depressive disorder, as periods of mania and depression are associated with this condition.

The length of time that these periods of mania and depression last can vary. Some individuals experience longer periods of depression and few periods of mania, which are characterized by elevated moods, impulsive behavior, and even psychotic episodes. Others might experience hypomania, which is a milder form of mania without psychotic episodes. Medication can be used to relieve some symptoms of bipolar disorder and can make periods of depression or mania less severe.

While bipolar disorder is a less common diagnosis than generalized anxiety disorder or major depression, 2.8% of the U.S. population has been diagnosed with this condition. And although treatment for bipolar disorder can be effective, many of those who would benefit from therapy or medication don’t seek out the help they need. Bipolar disorder is, for most people, a chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment to manage successfully, but many with this condition live happy, healthy lives.

Symptoms and causes of bipolar disorder

Without treatment, bipolar disorder can be debilitating. Some of the common symptoms of this mental health condition include:

Delusions or hallucinations

Racing thoughts

High distractibility



Extra energy

Thoughts of death or suicide

Feelings of sadness or hopelessness

Sleep problems or loss of energy


Trouble concentrating

Bipolar disorder can impact individuals socially, occupationally, educationally, and relationally.

The causes of this condition are more challenging to identify. However, experts agree that a family history of bipolar disorder, stressful or traumatic events, and brain structure and function can all be factors in whether an individual develops this mental health issue.1

If you’ve noticed these symptoms in yourself or someone you love, talk to your doctor, therapist, or an addiction treatment specialist at Lakeview Health today.

Bipolar disorder and substance abuse

Many individuals with mental health conditions struggle with substance use issues. As many as 50% of those with bipolar disorder will also struggle with addiction at some point in their lives. Why is there such a high correlation between this condition and drug or alcohol condition? One reason is that an individual with bipolar disorder who does not yet have healthy coping skills or ways to manage their symptoms might turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.

While drugs or alcohol might mask the symptoms of either depression or mania for a short time, in the long run, these substances can actually make the symptoms worse. The extreme highs and lows of untreated bipolar disorder can lead to either an inflated perception of self or suicidal thoughts. Since there is a high correlation between bipolar and addiction, individuals will need treatment for co-occurring disorders in order to begin healing.

Commonly abused substances

Some of the substances that those with bipolar disorder might use to self-medicate can include:

Mania can produce a natural high similar to cocaine. However, when it ends, an individual with bipolar disorder might look to stimulants to prolong these elevated moods. Some may experience their mania coupled with insomnia, which can have a negative impact on cognitive function. Others might use alcohol to help slow down the mania, but, unfortunately, alcohol continues to cloud cognitive function. Individuals with bipolar disorder may also use alcohol to escape the extreme sadness and feelings of despair associated with depressive episodes. Polysubstance abuse is also common in individuals with bipolar disorder, which is when someone uses more than one addictive substance at a time.

No matter which substance is used, relying on drugs or alcohol to control mood swings is unhealthy and can lead to unwanted dependency. Substance abuse complicates the symptoms of bipolar disorder and can even render bipolar medications ineffective. Some individuals neglect to take their medications, and some may use their money to purchase drugs or alcohol instead of prescriptions. It is best for the person suffering from the disorder to enter bipolar and addiction treatment programs to stabilize their mood while eliminating substance abuse.

Dual diagnosis treatment

Fortunately, dual diagnosis treatment programs can help those with bipolar disorder and co-occurring substance abuse issues. In our mental health treatment programs, patients participate in targeted therapies, connect with others in recovery, and learn how to manage their symptoms and avoid relapse in the future.

While each patient in our care receives a personalized treatment plan, some of what we offer includes:

Medication management
Certain medications, such as lithium, can be highly effective for those with bipolar disorder. Other medications can curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms for those with opioid or alcohol use disorder.
We help our patients understand the connection between their mental health and substance use issues.
A focus on underlying issues
We take into account the role that past trauma, family history, and even physical health problems can play in co-occurring issues.
Addiction treatment therapies
Both holistic and evidence-based therapies help our patients learn more about themselves and build healthy coping skills for the future.
Family involvement
Stronger, healthier relationships with loved ones are possible. During sessions with a family therapist, patients work through past conflicts and learn effective communication skills for the future.
What to expect in our bipolar disorder treatment program

Typically, those who are struggling with addiction first go through a detox program before beginning a residential treatment program or an outpatient treatment program. Lakeview Health offers separate men’s and women’s detox programs to ensure that each of our patients feels comfortable, safe, and supported during withdrawal. Medication, counseling, and medical care help our patients build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

Treatment for bipolar disorder can involve medication, therapy, holistic approaches, and education. Our clinicians and therapists will determine whether medication is right for you.

During both group and individual therapy sessions, you’ll work through issues like past trauma and challenges on the road to recovery. Finding ways to manage periods of mania and depression without turning to drugs and alcohol is a foundational part of our bipolar disorder treatment program. Healthy outlets like yoga, exercise, meditation, and support groups can be effective ways to manage symptoms.

Bipolar disorder can also impact an individual’s finances, relationships, social functioning, and employment status. We help our patients develop new life skills so they can rebuild their lives in recovery and connect them with community resources for ongoing support.

Therapies we offer

We offer a wide range of therapies in our bipolar disorder treatment center. These include:

The customized treatment plans each patient receives might include some or all of these therapies.

The longer an individual goes without bipolar disorder treatment, the more difficult it is to achieve abstinence from substances and maintain stability. Bipolar disorder treatment can be successful only when drug and alcohol addiction and other co-occurring disorders are treated together within the context of mental health treatment programs during inpatient detox and drug rehab.

Our mental health treatment programs

Along with bipolar disorder and addiction treatment, Lakeview Health also offers numerous mental health treatment programs, including:

Neuropsychological testing programs

PTSD treatment programs

Social phobia treatment program

Anxiety treatment program

Depression treatment program

It’s possible for those with bipolar disorder to also struggle with anxiety or PTSD. Our treatment team can design an approach to recovery that will meet your needs and help you reach your goals.

Reach out to Lakeview Health today

At Lakeview Health, we help our patients develop effective coping skills to promote long-term recovery. While there is no cure for bipolar disorder or addiction, it’s possible to manage these conditions and live a healthier life.

Personalized treatment plans, men’s and women’s detox centers, an extensive alumni network, and world-class amenities are just a few of the things that set our Jacksonville recovery center apart.

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